Monday, October 24, 2011

Bereishit: Perhaps The Forbidden Fruit Was Sexual Pleasure

I have been thinking that the Forbidden Fruit in Gan Eden may have been sexual pleasure, and that this is what mankind was supposed to not have engaged in on the sixth day of creation. There is an idea, I believe brought down by the Sfas Emes that mankind was going to get to partake of the forbidden fruit, after the first shabbat, that they would then be ready for sexual pleasure, and also be ready for immortality. But mankind partook to early, entering a state in which the drive for physical pleasure (the yetser hara) is very hard to overcome, and so we are not ready for immortality, which is why we were removed from Gan Eden so as not to be able to eat from the Tree of [Eternal] Life. We do have the Torah though, that is also called a "Tree of Life."
     The idea of the forbidden fruit coming from the Tree of Knowing Good and Bad (Yodea Tov Vera) is that before this first act of disobedience, we were in a state of innocence, not even being aware of a desire in opposition to the desire of following Hashem, the Yetser Tov. In other words, this act of disobedience awakened the latent potential of the Yetser Hara, the desire to follow our bodily desires instead of following Hashem, that desire being the Yetser Tov. Before this conflict of desires, there could be no moral decisions, just as an infant is incapable of making a moral decision. Moral choice was created by this act of disobedience. This choice was eventually going to be given to us, because it is only through choosing good that we can attain kedusha and true pleasure, but we lost our innocence too early, before undergoing the first shabbat.

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